Participation in Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) 19th International Conference 2024

Participation in Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) 19th International Conference 2024

With this announcement, I would like to express my gratitude to CosmoIntel researchers and briefly provide a report on attending the institute of noetic sciences (IONS) 19th international conference, held for four days during May 30-June 2, 2024:

During May 30-June 2, 2024, CosmoIntel research institute attended the institute of noetic sciences (IONS) 19th international conference, themed as BEYOND: Global Mind Change in Action.  The mission of IONS is to reveal the continuous nature of reality through scientific investigations or individual discoveries.

This was the first virtual IONS conference that provided a digital platform for discovering the individual and collective paths available to shift global consciousness. During this conference, thought leaders — including scientists, practitioners and healers, gathered together and discussed about consciousness, artificial intelligence (AI), unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), mind-body healing, extraordinary human capacities and other topics. CosmoIntel research institute, as one of the 30 invited exhibitors to this international conference, gave an oral presentation in the breakout session number six: science spotlight talks, titled as “Experimental Investigations into the Effects of Variant T-Consciousness Fields on Living Organisms and Inanimate.” In addition, frequency- and frequency-less-based universes were briefly introduced, and frequency-less and waveless universe as well as the nonphysical T-consciousness fields (TCFs) were presented and discussed.

Furthermore, CosmoIntel researchers exhibited their latest findings and articles on T-consciousness in a virtual booth. The team, talked with the visitors from around the globe about the novelties of T-consciousness theory and provided information on T-consciousness fields as well as their practical applications.

The following images are related to the virtual booth of CosmoIntel institute, as one of the 30 invited exhibitors to this conference:

Mohammad Ali Taheri,
Founder of the School of Erfan Keyhani Halgheh and CosmoIntel Research Institute,
June 23, 2024