Now Available: Special Issue on The Word’s Unity of Existence (English Version)

With great pleasure, it is announced that a single-article issue in the field of cognitive science titled “The Word’s Unity of Existence” in the series of “Theoretical Articles,” has been published in the Journal of Cosmointel. This article, which was previously presented at the 2022 Arizona Conference on Consciousness (University of Arizona) under the supervision of the Cosmointel Research Institute, is a discourse on the origin of language and grammar. The following is a presentation of the mentioned article, including an excerpt from the editorial of “The Word’s Unity of Existence.”

“What is certain is that to begin speaking and expressing themselves, humans did not actually ever sit down to deliberately invent words, grammar, dialects, or manner of speech. So, where did the grammar originate? Did humans first speak, and then discover the grammar, realizing that their speech adhered to precise principles? Or did they first invent the grammar and then began to speak according to grammatical rules?”

Worth noting, the Farsi version of this article will soon be published in the Journal of Cosmointel.

The OJS link:

 Flipbook Reader:

 Mohammad Ali Taheri
Founder of Erfan-e-Halgheh and the Cosmointel Research
