Nature Day 1402
My felicitations on Nature Day [Sizdah Be-dar on the 13th day of Nowruz] to all who deem nature as themselves and welcome every single moment to reconciliate with it and would dedicate this day to such beautiful and blissful move.
It is considerable that the nature gifted to us is unique and unparalleled in the whole cosmos. In the vastness of cosmos where there are certainly billions of other planets, there will be none like the Earth, and such nature is not to be found elsewhere. Even in all the majestic cosmos, a handful of soil like the one on this globe cannot be found. This planet has been resulted by billions of years of relentless and intelligent movement of the cosmos, coming out as such an unparalleled masterpiece to subsequently acquire life and make the exceptionally capable being of humankind appear. A creature that, apart from language capability, has the ability to comprehend love, excitement, delight, enthusiasm, astonishment, wonder, spirituality, knowledge, compassion, sacrifice, quantitative and qualitative recognition, logic and philosophy, identity, meaning, value, ethics, interpretation and explanation, reasoning, inference, management, science and more. The capabilities not possessed by any other creatures in the cosmos and therefore bestowing the title of the Noblest Creature [Ashraf Makhloughat] to human being.
Today, we perceive ourselves and nature from this perspective, [knowing] that what is before us and available to us is unique in the cosmos, all unrepeatable masterpieces. Therefore, while looking at such artistic pieces with admiration, we will try to preserve nature from destruction or pollution and protect all its manifestations from soil to climate, seeing all as sacred and respectful.
Accordingly, we name this year after the sanctity of the unique ones of existence, that is the year of “human and earth”.
Mohammad Ali Taheri
Founder of Taheri Peace Organization /Founder of the School of Erfan Keyhani Halgheh
Toronto April 2, 2023