Classless Class: FAQ and Supplementary Explanation
The advent of the new era of Consciousness, and public (open) access to the intelligent Halgheh (T-Consciousness Fields) and their Protection Layers in the Classless Class, is an opportunity for new experiences for everyone. Those in the Erfan-e-Halgheh community must help to familiarize everyone with this functionality so individuals can become familiar with it, experience it and examine the results. The courses are available online and are free for anyone who wants to take them. Also, those who have had previous practical experience with the Halgheh (T-Consciousness Fields) are encouraged to use the Halgheh and Connections openly offered in the Classless Class to become familiar with and experience this new level of Consciousness. In this regard, the addresses of the Taheri Academy websites are provided below for those who are interested in participating in this open education.
- In order to create a complete self-learning educational package compatible with the “Classless Class” era, the Taheri Academy has launched a new section called the “Comprehensive Educational Reference of the Old Education System” for free through registration with the Academy, and/or by passing the courses (according to the syllabus) without registration.
This section is available through a large banner on the homepage of the Old Education System Academy website for Iran:
and also, in the Old Education System Academy website for outside of Iran:
The mentioned reference is available through the following link:
I will henceforth answer some of the most frequently asked questions following my previous announcement regarding the procedures for how to complete the courses:
- B) Manual on how to receive the Halqehs and the relevant Protection Layers for beginners:
When a student is watching a video, they can receive the Halgheh (T-Consciousness Fields) and its Protection Layer during the Halgheh endowment points in the video, or they can receive the relevant Halgheh and their Protection Layer at any preferred time.
- B) Frequently Asked Questions:
- Question: Given that the Old Education System is now made publicly available, are we still able to announce Talab-e-Kheir (Well-wishing), Faradarmani, Tashasho Defaii (TD), or the Collective Soul Connections?
Answer: Since anyone can personally announce the necessary Connections for themselves, this is no longer necessary. However, this can still be done, as some people are still unaware of this feature of the network. Moreover, it should be noted that doing so is not a violation. It is simply not necessary, because at this stage, we should try to familiarize individuals with these features so that they can use them for themselves and even spread awareness of these features in the Classless Class.
- Question: Can Connections be announced for those who are not interested in taking the courses but want to use the Halgheh (ie; Faradarmani)? Can these people also use the Classless Class and the Collective Mind method, or must someone announce it for them?
Answer: Generally, any type of Connections can be announced for individuals. However, as previously explained, individuals can announce it for themselves as they become familiar with the Classless Class. This practice brings about an unprecedented growth in learning how to use the Halgheh (T-Consciousness Fields). We must aim to expand this knowledge among the general public so that individuals may use it to grow and become practically familiar with the subject of Consciousness. This is clearly a much better method than preventing their growth by trying to announce the Halqehs for them one by one.
- Question: Is it possible to sit in the Connection once per week to receive them, without watching the videos?
Answer: Yes, it is possible. However, without having information about the Halgheh (T-Consciousness Fields), individuals will certainly get involved in personal interpretations and misunderstandings, which will make them illiterate or low-literate users. It is obvious that in this case, they will also be deprived of all the available options and will definitely face problems in using the Halgheh. Especially since they may become unintentional violators, which may cause trouble for them. Therefore, we strongly advise against individuals who want to have such an experience without the necessary and sufficient literacy and knowledge in this regard.
- Question: Is it necessary to watch a video or listen to the audio of the classes? Can one complete the course by reading the notes?
Answer: Obtaining knowledge of the Halgheh (T-Consciousness Fields) and their practical capabilities is possible through any means. These include: watching videos, studying notes and books, receiving verbal explanations from informed individuals and instructors, and so on. All of these methods can be used together.
- Question: If we have already passed the Old Education System course with an instructor and want to receive all of the Halgheh again, is it enough to receive all the Halgheh (T-Consciousness Fields) again in one sitting, or do we have to experience the delegation of each Halgheh separately for the second time?
Answer: Getting all the Halgheh (T-Consciousness Fields) together is not a violation and is possible. However, this is not recommended. It is better to Connect and experience each Halgheh individually to have a better understanding of the subject. For this we recommend those who have previously received the Halgheh to have a daily schedule of receiving one Halgheh per day for review. Those who have not received the Halgheh before, and are doing this for the first time, are recommended to experience one Halgheh per week to have a better understanding of it, and to understand their difference in practice. (This issue is well-proven through scientific experiments in the laboratory. However, we also want the user to be well acquainted with this important subject.
- Question: If we have previously completed a part of the Old Education System with an instructor, can we continue it without an instructor in the open method?
Answer: In any case, the possibility of using the features of the Classless Class is openly available, whether one has watched the courses before and wants to continue them in the Classless Class, or if one wants to take these courses for the first time, or if one wants to renew the courses and experience the Classless Class. It makes no difference in this regard and individuals can take action to receive the Halgheh (T-Consciousness Fields).
- Question: Despite the availability of the Classless Class, is it possible to ask Mr. Taheri or our instructor to redo the Protection of Faradarmani or other Halgheh delegations for us?
Answer: There is no problem with this and it is possible, but it is not necessary. The individual can experience the Classless Class connections and personally receive what they request.
- Question: Is it possible to complete a semester in less than six weeks? For example, is it possible to have six sessions until all the Halgheh (T-Consciousness Fields) are received in six days?
Answer: Yes, it can be done, however it is recommended to dedicate 6 weeks for each term in order to better understand the Halgheh and gain a deeper understanding of the theoretical information, in addition to understanding the Halgheh.
- Question: Are we permitted to have question and answer sessions among instructors? If someone asks us a question, can we share our own experiences and Agahi (Awareness) with them? What if the Agahi are Quranic in nature?
Answer: Asking and answering questions is a good practice in any gathering. However, and for the sake of observing the principles of faithfulness to the material and copyright, answers related to the teachings of Erfan-e-Halgheh should only be based on official references and sources; no one should express their personal opinions about these teachings. (Experience has shown that when people provide answers without referring to sources, after a while, many deviations will arise in the discussions. This has been one of the problems, and sometimes people have created many deviations by claiming that their answers were based on their personal experiences, which has led to the expulsion of some individuals from the community). Therefore, answers that lack educational references have no value or credibility. Therefore, please make sure that people who express their opinions about the Erfan-e-Halgheh School base them on the central reference, or personally refer to it at the first opportunity.
- Question: Some instructors present incorrect concepts under the pretext of personal Agahi (awareness). When faced with objections from the audience, they tell them that if they don’t accept what they say, they can sit in the Connection (Ettesal) for the accuracy of their statement to be proven for them. Is such a thing even correct, and can it be a proof of the person’s statement while we know that it contradicts the teachings?
Answer: Clearly, such a thing does not exist in the School of Erfan Keyhani Halgheh, and the person is either delusional or has a prejudice. Why should one put themself in a situation to be ridiculed by doing something that doesn’t produce any results, and when there is an official reference? The only case in which doing so would be correct is for the purpose of proving the existence of the Halgheh (T-Consciousness Field) itself. This is the natural outcome of having individuals become observers, sitting in the Connection (Ettesal) and having experiences that are practical evidence for the existence of the Halgheh.
- Question: Can we engage in anything that may seem to be a Connection (Ettesal)?
Answer: Absolutely not. We should only engage in connections that have been defined, and for which we have received the corresponding Protection Layer. Otherwise, it is like entering a minefield without having a map of the area. Under such circumstances, we may encounter a mine at any moment. According to the guidelines provided, this is a violation. Many of the problems that people have faced are due to committing this violation. Therefore, we must only act according to the guidelines. (This is not the realm of clever games and stunts. These people will be severely negatively affected without realizing it).
To be continued.
Founder of The School of Erfan Keyhani Halgheh: Mohammad Ali Taheri
Toronto: 05 February 2023