Classless Class: FAQ and Supplementary Explanation (Part 3)

The Classless Class Ertebat is an improvement in the level of Ertebat and benefiting from the Cosmic Consciousness Network. In this more advanced level of Ertebat, anyone can personally establish a connection to receive the Halqehs and their Protection Layers at any time of the day/night. It should be noted that individuals can receive the relevant lessons and theoretical teachings for free from the educational channels of the Taheri Academy, which are being prepared for this purpose.

  1. In order to create a complete self-learning educational package compatible with the “Classless Class” era, the Taheri Academy has launched a new section called the “Comprehensive Educational Reference of the Old Education System” for free through registration with the Academy, and/or by passing the courses (according to the syllabus) without registration.

This section is available through a large banner of the homepage on the Old Education System Academy website for Iran:

and also, in the Old Education System Academy website for outside of Iran:

The mentioned reference is available through the following link:

I will henceforth answer some of the most frequently asked questions following my previous announcement regarding the procedures for how to complete the courses:

  1. B) Manual on how to receive the Halqehs and the relevant Protection Layers for beginners:

When a student is watching a video, they can receive the Halqeh and its Protection Layer during the Halqeh endowment points in the video, or they can receive the relevant Halqeh and their Protection Layer at any preferred time.

Note: Whether it is done remotely or through the Classless Class, Tashasho Defaii’s discharges are done in a controlled manner. Generally, in cases where it is performed remotely and no there are no practitioners or instructors present, the Cosmic Consciousness Network controls the discharge process.

  1. B) Frequently Asked Questions:
  2. Question: If individuals intentionally or unintentionally commit violations, repent and then wish to receive the Halqehs and relevant Protections again, can they receive the Violator’s Protection Etesal through the “Collective Mind”?

Answer: Yes, they can. However, it is not clear what particular consequences offenders should expect from the Consciousness for repeated violations, and no one can express an definitive opinion on the type and manner of how these punitive consequences are carried out. Therefore, it is recommended that individuals be faithful to their oath and be a responsible custodian of the teachings of the School of Erfan-e-Keyhani-e-Halqeh, refrain from committing violations and pay due attention to the regulations and guidelines.

  1. Question: Is an intentional violation any different from an unintentional one? And can both cases receive the protection from the “Collective Mind”? Does repeating a violation have an impact on receiving the protective layer again? If not, does this not make it easier for individuals to commit violations?

Answer: Determining the motive for the violation is between the individual and the Consciousness. Therefore, it is enough for individuals to understand that being clever does not always work to their advantage. If they have accepted the existence of this intelligence (Consciousness), they must know that everything will be accounted for. The decision ultimately lies with the individual and how s/he deals with this intelligence (Consciousness).

  1. Question: Does the Classless Class also include the instructor training course? Can we take the instructor training course by ourselves and become an instructor?

Answer: The role of instructors in the Classless Class is only to provide the teachings of the Old Education System, and there is no need for them to delegate the Halqehs and relevant Protection Layers to their students. Rather, instructors need to instruct their students such that they can independently receive the Halqehs and the Protection Layers of the Old Education System according to the lessons of the Classless Class, knowing this will prepare them for the higher levels of teachings that will be implemented in the near future. Any negligence in this regard is considered as preventing individuals from growing and progressing in this area. It is therefore requested that everyone cooperate in upgrading the level of the teachings of the “School of Erfan-e-Keyhani-e-Halqeh.” It should be noted that those who are interested in taking the instructor training course and obtaining the instructor certificate (given it is no longer necessary), can still take the Old Education System instructor training course at the Taheri Academy and obtain the relevant certificate..

  1. Question: Since it is no longer required for instructors to delegate Halqehs, is the Halqeh-delegation segment of the instructor training course annulled?

Answer: Yes, that is correct. (please refer to question no.5)

  1. Question: “Throughout the years, we have announced positive messages in the Collective Soul (‘Collective Mind’). Now we are receiving all the Halqehs from the “Collective Mind”. In the future, we will probably also be receiving lessons from the ‘Collective Mind.’ If everything already existed in the ‘Collective Mind,’ what impact did our announcements have on the ‘Collective Mind?’”


  1. A) Receiving lessons through the Collective Soul was experimented with two decades ago and some experienced it at the time. It was planned for implementation, but for various reasons such as untrustworthiness, violations, and lack of integrity, it became evident that it wouldn’t contribute to growth and maturity. It would contrarily become a means for self-promotion, which is why this option is currently not made available.
  2. B) In response to the question: “If everything already existed in the ‘Collective Mind’, what was the impact of our announcements have on the ‘Collective Mind?’”
  3. i) The Collective Mind does not contain everything. Currently, only the Halqehs of the Old Education System can be received through the method presented in the Classless Class (I have provided these Halqehs for general access through the Collective Mind according to the principles of Erfan-e-Halqeh). The teachings should also be studied and examined separately.
  4. ii) Assuming this is the case, do things happen by themselves? The best example in this regard is that some ask that if God has complete knowledge of everything including our needs, why doesn’t it fix our problems? The answer here is: what is the role of human beings in this case? Why does God say “call unto me and I shall respond?”
  5. Question: The commencement of Classless Class reminds me of how the internet entered into our lives and gave us access to a large volume of information in a short period of time, and it continues to expand every day. Will the Classless Classes be limited to the teachings of the Old Education System or will it expand into the New Education System as well?

Answer: Surely, this will mark the experience of entering into the era of consciousness. That is, if some will not try to obstruct this by playing out their own games of self-interest through different ways. The New Education System will be added to this section respectively and after that, all of the teachings of Erfan-e-Halqeh will be accessible through the Classless Class.

  1. Question: The Classless Class increases individuals’ sense of responsibility and drives them towards taking control of their own learning. Does the start of Classless Class at this particular time have any connection to events in Iran, and the importance of people taking responsibility for their awareness and taking charge of their own affairs?

Answer: Undoubtedly, this kind of familiarity with Consciousness will create a greater sense of responsibility in neutral people, to incorporate a structured plan into their lives to benefit from this intelligence. By doing so and becoming more familiar with the truth and the truth of the universe, will place a greater responsibility on the shoulders of people for fighting oppression more than ever before. Because understanding the truth of the universe is closely related to defending our rights and the truth. For example, no one can be content with political slavery of human beings and accept the rule of overlords after understanding the truth of the universe. Or be content that people remain hungry while their money is spent on lavish government spending and looting of the treasury.; therefore, Erfan is akin to fighting tyranny. The School of Erfan-e-Halqeh is not just self-knowledge, ontology and Interuniversalism; rather, it offers principles of dealing with people, managing society, ethics, art, etc. (Reference to the introduction to Holistic Management two decades ago) Some may question Erfan’s role in politics. This is the misconception of those who don’t understand that truth-seeking, as a qualitative understanding of the universe, is involved in everything, because nothing is separate from the truth. Therefore, Erfan-e-Halqeh offers a pure outlook on the knowledge of managing a country in such a way that the people are the ones who are in control and have complete oversight of their own national wealth. These are irrefutable principles that are presented within the framework of the Principles that will never be refutable, principles within the framework of the “Declaration (Manifesto) of the Free Iran Renaissance”.

  1. Question: The Negative Network certainly uses the facilities of the “Collective Mind.” Definitely, the negative network also uses the facilities of “collective consciousness”. Is the criteria we use for using the facilities of the “Collective Mind” the same as the criteria we used to discern the information received from the Positive and Negative Networks which were part of the original teachings of Ostad?

Answer: The criteria for discerning between the Positive and Negative Networks and between right and wrong have been provided in the framework of the School of Erfan-e-Keyhani-e-Halqeh and will continue to be relevant; and we must be diligent in this area.

  1. Question: How will the Body Synchronicity Etesal, which was performed with the presence of an Instructor, be performed in the Classless Class?

Answer: To experience this Etesal, individuals must coordinate to experience it with those whom have already taken the course.

  1. Question: Can the content of the Old Education System be made available on the website just like the New System (not for downloading) so that we can find the desired topics by searching?

Answer: All the teachings of the School of Erfan-e-Keyhani-e-Halqeh in all fields are searchable. Part of this work has been prepared and presented so far, and the rest is being done. In this regard, it is necessary for individuals to download the Erfan-e-Halqeh app from Google Play or App Store to have access to all the information of this school and to use all the educational channels of Taheri Academy.

  1. Question: Please explain – what is the relation between the Shared Mind Etesal and the Common Mind Etesal?

Answer: Shared Mind is a special Halqeh that is used in scientific experiments, and the results of working with this Halqeh and its difference from other Halqehs have been recorded and documented in laboratory experiments (refer to the scientific journal CosmoIntel). However, the Collective Mind relates to receiving the relevant Halqehs and Protection and performing special tasks according to the definitions provided.

  1. Question: My son doesn’t speak Persian and is not interested in listening to a complete course. But he is interested in using the Halqehs. I explain every Etesal and its application for him and he receives the Halqeh afterward (with one-week intervals). Is this a correct method?

Answer: Given your explanations are complete and cover all of the parts of the teachings and explaining the regulations and the letter of oath; there is no problem and is also recommended.

  1. Question: We found that the level of experiences of receiving the Halqehs from the Common Mind are at a very high level, as you had mentioned. Is this experience only related to the Halqehs received from the Common Mind? Or can we, for example, experience these levels in everyday use after having received them from the Common Mind? For example, can we sit in the Etesal any time we want (even after receiving it from the Common Mind) and get our Etesals from the Common Mind without having to announce it for ourselves and others?

Answer: The enhanced level of working with Consciousness can be experienced in all dimensions (either receiving them or using them). In this regard, anytime individuals wish to receive and use the Halqehs and their relevant Protections, they must personally take this matter into their own hands and individually follow the teachings that are available for free.

To be continued.

Founder of Erfan-e-Keyhani-e-Halqeh: Mohammad Ali Taheri

Toronto: 14 February 2023